
Mark Webb and wife Polly Congregation Leader

John Marsing Bet Din

Pat Shackleford Elder

Mike Naranjo Elder

Mark Webb and wife Polly
Congregation Leader
Mark and Pollyanna Webb reside in Arizona with their 8 children, 10 grandchildren, sons and daughter in laws, along with their large multi-generational extended family.
Mark was affirmed as a congregational servant-leader on July 7, 2007, and disciples believers in Messiah Yahushua (Jesus), the lost sheep of the House of Israel, in the Hebraic Roots of our Christian faith. He serves as the congregational leader of Living Messiah Ministries in downtown Mesa.
Experiencing the land of Israel was life changing for the Webb family. They began studying the Hebrew roots of their Christian faith in 2004. Mark began serving as a congregational leader on 7-7-2007 and is currently building community from a Hebraic understanding at Living Messiah Ministries in Mesa Arizona and at Windmill Ranch in Bisbee Arizona.
Mark and Polly are passionate about the study of Biblical Astronomy, observing the prophetic patterns the heavens declare nightly of our Messiah. They are also devoted to the study of Biblical geography, history, customs, languages and the exile and gathering of the whole House of Israel.
The Webb family enjoys traveling and meeting the scattered family of Israel that is being gathered. We look forward to meeting you!
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

John Marsing
Bet Din
Born in Eastern Oregon, raised in Carson City, Nevada, John has lived in Arizona since 1979.
Trained as a computer programmer and web developer, John has several websites that he has authored and maintains, including
MyHebrewBible.com and
He has a passion for studying the scripture from the perspective of law, see
John has been Torah observant and Y'shua believing for many years and has been involved with and helped found several Torah-based organizations
(see TzuryIsrael.AzureWebsites.net)
and congregations.
His unique perspective is a valuable asset to our leadership team.

Pat Shackleford
Pat was raised in a believing home and has had a personal relationship with the Messiah since childhood. She was married to a Christian pastor with whom she served for 50 years, the last 15 of which were spent proclaiming the Messianic message. Together, Pat and her husband raised six children. Her wisdom and experience are a valuable resource to the leadership of our Living Messiah family.

Mike Naranjo
Mike Naranjo heads up the Torah Tuesday class
Bio-forth coming
Board of Elders
As a congregation, we have selected a group of mature, like-minded believers to act as our advisors. This group has agreed to serve in the role of overseers, advising us on important decisions and helping assure that we remain true to God's Word and His Spirit. This group consists of the following members:

Board of Elders
As a congregation, we have selected a group of mature, like-minded believers to act as our advisors. This group has agreed to serve in the role of overseers, advising us on important decisions and helping assure that we remain true to God's Word and His Spirit. This group consists of the following members: