External Links
Below are links to websites that may be of interest to others. Please feel free to suggest additions if you know of websites that you find useful in your study and that you think might be helpful to others.
These external websites are operated by third parties, and we have no influence on the content of these. Therefore, we also cannot assume any guarantee or liability for this third-party content and its correctness.
Early Treatment Report

And he said unto them,
Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself:
whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
It is debatable what Yeshua meant by stating Physician, heal thyself, but in these trying times that we live in it has become very evident that we need to take responsibility of our own health. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to take prudent steps to ward off contagious diseases. This website EarlyTreatmentReport.com has a packet called Early Treatment that can be of great assistance. Check it out and be prepared.
EarlyTreatmentReport.comDisclaimer: First, this linked resource does not mean the leadership agrees with everything that is found there. None of the members that make up the leadership of Living Messiah Ministries are licensed medical professionals therefore ultimately it is up to you to exercise good diligence and of course prayer as to its veracity. Second, by including this link, it does not mean there may be other resources that are just as valuable.
It is the opinion of the leadership that far too many licensed medical professionals are failing in exercising their Hippocratic Oath
Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient.
The Living Messiah website shouldn’t have to provide a link like this, but, as stated above, we live in trying times and we feel we must pick up the slack from those who appear to have abrogated their responsibilities.
Etz Bney Yosef

This website records the plans and events of an international group of people who believe that they are being called by God to assist in the reawakening of the House of Joseph, descendants of the lost tribes of Israel which have been scattered across the earth and lost their identity. To date, two Ephraimite Congresses have been held at which interested people gathered to discuss their heritage and to "get to know their extended family." This is a good starting point for those who are interested in this movement and would like to know more about others who feel that God is regathering His people in these Last Days.
www.EtzBneyYosef.comIsraelite Return

This is the website of Eprhaim and Rimona Frank, an Israeli couple who have dedicated their lives to bringing the message to God's people that He is regathering them in these Last Days. The website contains descriptions of their books (with some available to download) and links to their weekly blogs, as well as other useful information. It is an excellent resource for learning more about our Hebrew roots and about God's plans for the future.
www.IsraeliteReturn.comB'ney Yosef North America

B'ney Yosef North America exists to assist the emergence of the reconstituted people of Northern Israel – the House of Ephraim, or Yosef (Joseph), specifically those located on the continent of North America. It is an out-growth of the First Ephraimite / Northern Israel National Congress which was held in Ariel, Israel, on May 25 - 28, 2015. This website is a source of information for those who live in North America and believe that they may be a part of the scattered nation of Israel which is being regathered in these last days.
www.BneyYosefNA.comAbove All Images

Ralphie and Peribeth Cratty own and operate a small business, Above All Images They have a selection of products that feature the Living Messiah logo which are available through their website. Also, they are able to produce custom caps, tee shirts, and other things with your own logo or text. (As a gifted and trained graphics artist, Ralphie is also able to generate whatever graphics you might need.)
www.AboveAllImages.netTorah Together

This site includes a complete set of workbooks designed for use in small group Torah studies. The material is at a beginning to intermediate level and is well-suited to those who have a strong desire to know more about our God through the study of His Torah. It only requires a willing leader and motivated participants to have a life-changing encounter with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
www.TorahTogether.comMy Hebrew Bible

This site is designed to enable people to have a stronger relationship with their Creator by intently and methodically studying his image which is the scriptures. With emphasis on the Hebrew, it is based around the parasha, either the annual Torah cycle or the triennial Torah cycle (which is what Living Messiah follows).
MyHebrewBible.comHebrew 4 Christians

This is an excellent place for those interested in learning the Hebrew language on their own. Much of the material is at a beginning level but there is also plenty of history and background presented on the Hebrew language. There are also many audio files included so that you can hear the language and well as learn to read and write it. A very useful website!
www.Hebrew4Christians.comFaith Life Community

We are trying out an social media platform that is geared toward and run by people of faith. We want something that is an alternative to the generic platform which is run by companies who have values we do not share.
https://FaithLife.com/LivingMessiahEarly Treatment Report

And he said unto them,
Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself:
whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
It is debatable what Yeshua meant by stating Physician, heal thyself, but in these trying times that we live in it has become very evident that we need to take responsibility of our own health. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to take prudent steps to ward off contagious diseases. This website EarlyTreatmentReport.com has a packet called Early Treatment that can be of great assistance. Check it out and be prepared.
EarlyTreatmentReport.comDisclaimer: First, this linked resource does not mean the leadership agrees with everything that is found there. None of the members that make up the leadership of Living Messiah Ministries are licensed medical professionals therefore ultimately it is up to you to exercise good diligence and of course prayer as to its veracity. Second, by including this link, it does not mean there may be other resources that are just as valuable.
It is the opinion of the leadership that far too many licensed medical professionals are failing in exercising their Hippocratic Oath
Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient.
The Living Messiah website shouldn’t have to provide a link like this, but, as stated above, we live in trying times and we feel we must pick up the slack from those who appear to have abrogated their responsibilities.
Etz Bney Yosef

This website records the plans and events of an international group of people who believe that they are being called by God to assist in the reawakening of the House of Joseph, descendants of the lost tribes of Israel which have been scattered across the earth and lost their identity. To date, two Ephraimite Congresses have been held at which interested people gathered to discuss their heritage and to "get to know their extended family." This is a good starting point for those who are interested in this movement and would like to know more about others who feel that God is regathering His people in these Last Days.
www.EtzBneyYosef.comIsraelite Return

This is the website of Eprhaim and Rimona Frank, an Israeli couple who have dedicated their lives to bringing the message to God's people that He is regathering them in these Last Days. The website contains descriptions of their books (with some available to download) and links to their weekly blogs, as well as other useful information. It is an excellent resource for learning more about our Hebrew roots and about God's plans for the future.
www.IsraeliteReturn.comB'ney Yosef North America

B'ney Yosef North America exists to assist the emergence of the reconstituted people of Northern Israel – the House of Ephraim, or Yosef (Joseph), specifically those located on the continent of North America. It is an out-growth of the First Ephraimite / Northern Israel National Congress which was held in Ariel, Israel, on May 25 - 28, 2015. This website is a source of information for those who live in North America and believe that they may be a part of the scattered nation of Israel which is being regathered in these last days.
www.BneyYosefNA.comAbove All Images

Ralphie and Peribeth Cratty own and operate a small business, Above All Images They have a selection of products that feature the Living Messiah logo which are available through their website. Also, they are able to produce custom caps, tee shirts, and other things with your own logo or text. (As a gifted and trained graphics artist, Ralphie is also able to generate whatever graphics you might need.)
www.AboveAllImages.netTorah Together

This site includes a complete set of workbooks designed for use in small group Torah studies. The material is at a beginning to intermediate level and is well-suited to those who have a strong desire to know more about our God through the study of His Torah. It only requires a willing leader and motivated participants to have a life-changing encounter with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
www.TorahTogether.comMy Hebrew Bible

This site is designed to enable people to have a stronger relationship with their Creator by intently and methodically studying his image which is the scriptures. With emphasis on the Hebrew, it is based around the parasha, either the annual Torah cycle or the triennial Torah cycle (which is what Living Messiah follows).
MyHebrewBible.comHebrew 4 Christians

This is an excellent place for those interested in learning the Hebrew language on their own. Much of the material is at a beginning level but there is also plenty of history and background presented on the Hebrew language. There are also many audio files included so that you can hear the language and well as learn to read and write it. A very useful website!
www.Hebrew4Christians.comFaith Life Community

We are trying out an social media platform that is geared toward and run by people of faith. We want something that is an alternative to the generic platform which is run by companies who have values we do not share.
https://FaithLife.com/LivingMessiahEarly Treatment Report

And he said unto them,
Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself:
whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
It is debatable what Yeshua meant by stating Physician, heal thyself, but in these trying times that we live in it has become very evident that we need to take responsibility of our own health. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to take prudent steps to ward off contagious diseases. This website EarlyTreatmentReport.com has a packet called Early Treatment that can be of great assistance. Check it out and be prepared.
EarlyTreatmentReport.comDisclaimer: First, this linked resource does not mean the leadership agrees with everything that is found there. None of the members that make up the leadership of Living Messiah Ministries are licensed medical professionals therefore ultimately it is up to you to exercise good diligence and of course prayer as to its veracity. Second, by including this link, it does not mean there may be other resources that are just as valuable.
It is the opinion of the leadership that far too many licensed medical professionals are failing in exercising their Hippocratic Oath
Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient.
The Living Messiah website shouldn’t have to provide a link like this, but, as stated above, we live in trying times and we feel we must pick up the slack from those who appear to have abrogated their responsibilities.
Etz Bney Yosef

This website records the plans and events of an international group of people who believe that they are being called by God to assist in the reawakening of the House of Joseph, descendants of the lost tribes of Israel which have been scattered across the earth and lost their identity. To date, two Ephraimite Congresses have been held at which interested people gathered to discuss their heritage and to "get to know their extended family." This is a good starting point for those who are interested in this movement and would like to know more about others who feel that God is regathering His people in these Last Days.
www.EtzBneyYosef.comIsraelite Return

This is the website of Eprhaim and Rimona Frank, an Israeli couple who have dedicated their lives to bringing the message to God's people that He is regathering them in these Last Days. The website contains descriptions of their books (with some available to download) and links to their weekly blogs, as well as other useful information. It is an excellent resource for learning more about our Hebrew roots and about God's plans for the future.
www.IsraeliteReturn.comB'ney Yosef North America

B'ney Yosef North America exists to assist the emergence of the reconstituted people of Northern Israel – the House of Ephraim, or Yosef (Joseph), specifically those located on the continent of North America. It is an out-growth of the First Ephraimite / Northern Israel National Congress which was held in Ariel, Israel, on May 25 - 28, 2015. This website is a source of information for those who live in North America and believe that they may be a part of the scattered nation of Israel which is being regathered in these last days.
www.BneyYosefNA.comTorah Together

This site includes a complete set of workbooks designed for use in small group Torah studies. The material is at a beginning to intermediate level and is well-suited to those who have a strong desire to know more about our God through the study of His Torah. It only requires a willing leader and motivated participants to have a life-changing encounter with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
www.TorahTogether.comAbove All Images

Ralphie and Peribeth Cratty own and operate a small business, Above All Images They have a selection of products that feature the Living Messiah logo which are available through their website. Also, they are able to produce custom caps, tee shirts, and other things with your own logo or text. (As a gifted and trained graphics artist, Ralphie is also able to generate whatever graphics you might need.)
www.AboveAllImages.netMy Hebrew Bible

This site is designed to enable people to have a stronger relationship with their Creator by intently and methodically studying his image which is the scriptures. With emphasis on the Hebrew, it is based around the parasha, either the annual Torah cycle or the triennial Torah cycle (which is what Living Messiah follows).
MyHebrewBible.comHebrew 4 Christians

This is an excellent place for those interested in learning the Hebrew language on their own. Much of the material is at a beginning level but there is also plenty of history and background presented on the Hebrew language. There are also many audio files included so that you can hear the language and well as learn to read and write it. A very useful website!
www.Hebrew4Christians.comFaith Life Community

We are trying out an social media platform that is geared toward and run by people of faith. We want something that is an alternative to the generic platform which is run by companies who have values we do not share.