Lyrics, Liturgy and Teaching
2025 Mar 22
Genesis 24:42-67
Hebrew Class
Bney Yosef North America Hebrew Class
Welcome to Living Messiah Ministries, located in Mesa, Arizona. We are building community from a Hebraic understanding while acknowledging the redemptive and reconciling work of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).
Our Vision
To build community from a Hebraic understanding by gathering together with others whom YHWH is gathering that desire to call upon The Name of THE LORD, יהוה in order to understand and apply His commandments as we walk in His plan of Salvation.
Our Mission
Proclaiming by our lifestyle,The Living Word of THE LORD, יהוה and His mighty deeds.
Our Resolve
Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct
We Resolve To
- Be a Kingdom family, committed to the study of the entire Living Word of God, applying it in thought and deed to the best of our ability and understanding.
- Gather on all Biblical Holy Days to worship, study, fellowship, fast and pray together.
- Acknowledge Our Creator and Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Eternal One of Israel.
- Acknowledge the work of The Holy Spirit past, present and future.
Acknowledge the work of Yahushua the Messiah, who came to regather and reconcile the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and those that choose to be grafted in, back to יהוה who declares to restore the whole House of Israel. Exekiel 37:19
- Acknowledge we are the children of Israel, those who have been grafted into the family or those who were dispersed and exiled into the nations some 2,700 years ago. We have thought carefully about the blessings and curses and have chose blessings. Deuteronomy 30
- To be united in purpose without being uniform, sharing a common identity not particularly a common understanding or perception.
- To be individuals with hearts filled with thanksgiving, praise, hospitality and charity.
- Acknowledge יהוה has declared He will establish His covenant and His lovingkindness to those who love Him and keep His commandments.
- Be built on love, displaying the fruit of the Spirit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.
- Establish The Living Word of יהוה as the boundaries we choose to live by, repenting for our sins, iniquities and transgressions.
- Gather with those that share our vision and mission.
- Build relationships with mutual respect, accepting and supporting each other as we seek יהוה unique will for our lives.
- Be patient with the guiding and gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in each of us.
- Be humble servants, superior to no one.
- Proclaim by our deeds, the redemptive, restoring and reconciling work of Messiah.
- Disciple those that seek to apply The Living Word of יהוה by providing weekly opportunities to study and fellowship.
- Gather during Holy convocations to worship, study, fellowship, fast and pray together.
- Honor boundaries established by the leadership covering.
- Display respect and consideration towards others in conversation, avoiding divisive debates, criticism and speaking ill of others.
- Displaying discretion, dignity, honor and respect towards others by wearing modest attire, so community focus remains on prayer, worship and study.
- Establish LOVE, the Essence of The Kingdom.
Welcome to Living Messiah Ministries, located in Mesa, Arizona. We are building community from a Hebraic understanding while acknowledging the redemptive and reconciling work of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).
Our Vision
To build community from a Hebraic understanding by gathering together with others whom YHWH is gathering that desire to call upon The Name of THE LORD, יהוה in order to understand and apply His commandments as we walk in His plan of Salvation.
Our Mission
Proclaiming by our lifestyle,The Living Word of THE LORD, יהוה and His mighty deeds.
Our Resolve
Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct
We Resolve To
- Be a Kingdom family, committed to the study of the entire Living Word of God, applying it in thought and deed to the best of our ability and understanding.
- Gather on all Biblical Holy Days to worship, study, fellowship, fast and pray together.
- Acknowledge Our Creator and Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Eternal One of Israel.
- Acknowledge the work of The Holy Spirit past, present and future.
Acknowledge the work of Yahushua the Messiah, who came to regather and reconcile the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and those that choose to be grafted in, back to יהוה who declares to restore the whole House of Israel. Exekiel 37:19
- Acknowledge we are the children of Israel, those who have been grafted into the family or those who were dispersed and exiled into the nations some 2,700 years ago. We have thought carefully about the blessings and curses and have chose blessings. Deuteronomy 30
- To be united in purpose without being uniform, sharing a common identity not particularly a common understanding or perception.
- To be individuals with hearts filled with thanksgiving, praise, hospitality and charity.
- Acknowledge יהוה has declared He will establish His covenant and His lovingkindness to those who love Him and keep His commandments.
- Be built on love, displaying the fruit of the Spirit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.
- Establish The Living Word of יהוה as the boundaries we choose to live by, repenting for our sins, iniquities and transgressions.
- Gather with those that share our vision and mission.
- Build relationships with mutual respect, accepting and supporting each other as we seek יהוה unique will for our lives.
- Be patient with the guiding and gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in each of us.
- Be humble servants, superior to no one.
- Proclaim by our deeds, the redemptive, restoring and reconciling work of Messiah.
- Disciple those that seek to apply The Living Word of יהוה by providing weekly opportunities to study and fellowship.
- Gather during Holy convocations to worship, study, fellowship, fast and pray together.
- Honor boundaries established by the leadership covering.
- Display respect and consideration towards others in conversation, avoiding divisive debates, criticism and speaking ill of others.
- Displaying discretion, dignity, honor and respect towards others by wearing modest attire, so community focus remains on prayer, worship and study.
- Establish LOVE, the Essence of The Kingdom.